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What's Hot

Our most highly rated products from recent tastings. The Best of the Best at every price point from Australia's most highly curated online wine list.

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Australia's most curated online wine list, regularly updated ...

It's not uncommon for long-time customers to comment, "I've never had a bad wine from Nicks." Part of the reason is that we taste and rate all the wines before you do. In fact, we offer an independent review for most of the wines on this website. Think of the "What's Hot" page as a shortlist - not only of the most highly rated wines from every category and price point - but also many of the best wine values in Australia.

...offering some of world's most impressive wine values.

Our selections include the most exciting wine growing regions around Australia as well as imports from France, Italy, South America, New Zealand and more. Not sure what to buy? Give us a call on 1800 069 295. Let us know what you've enjoyed in the past and one of our knowledgeable staff will guide you in your choice.

The Best Wines at every price point delivered to your door.

Unlike many retailers, we let you mix it up. Order online in straight dozens or make every bottle different to enjoy a new flavour each day.
When you order more than $200 worth, get it delivered free to most areas of Australia.