Nikka Miyagikyo Single Malt Japanese Whisky Gift Pack (700ml) - with two whisky tumblers

Nikka Miyagikyo Single Malt Japanese Whisky Gift Pack (700ml) - with two whisky tumblers

$139. 99
$1679.88 Dozen
ABV: 45%

A very classy looking gift pack that includes two whisky tumblers.

Miyagikyo is Nikka’s second distillery, opening in 1969. Some commentators still refer to it as Sendai, which was its name before Asahi took control of Nikka in 2001. Founder, Masataka Taketsuru's intention was to expand the variety of malts available for his blends, so from the outset, the aim was to build the polar opposite of Yoichi. He sited Miyagikyo partly because the Hirosegawa and Nikkagawa rivers deliver a high-quality water supply. That combined with Miyagikyo’s different natural environment and the use of steam heat distillation, as opposed to coal and direct flame, results in a malt with a relatively mild and fruity character compared to the more powerful style of its sister distillery. Pot stills at Miyagikyo are considerably bigger too, and include boil balls along with an upward sloping lyne arm. This all contributes to a considerable amount of copper contact, stripping out the heavier compounds and leaving a delicate style of newmake. Finally, more unpeated and lightly peated barley is utilised at Miyagikyo, with the majority imported from Scotland. 45% Alc./Vol.