  • Nick's Import

Willett Distillery Old Bardstown 90 Proof Bourbon Whiskey (750ml)

$69. 99
$839.88 Dozen
ABV: 45%
This reportedly replaces the old "Black Label" bottling and weighs in at a slightly higher proof.

Located just on the outskirts of Bardstown is 'Kentucky Bourbon Distillers' (aka Willett) , the company behind famous brands like 'Old Bardstown' and 'Johnny Drum'. The distillery was originally built by the Willett family who brought their distilling knowledge with them from England to the American Colonies in the early 1600's. The company continued to operate until the early 1980s when the Willett’s realised they'd made their mark on the Bourbon industry and it was now time for them to retire. On July 1, 1984, Even G. Kulsveen (pronounced Evan), a native of Hamar, Norway, and son-in-law to Thompson Willett, purchased the property from the Willett’s and formed 'Kentucky Bourbon Distillers, Ltd'.