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Latest Releases from Barolo's Garagiste: Luciano Sandrone

Started in the family's garage in the '70s, Luciano Sandrone's commitment to premium Nebbiolo has grown over many decades to become a household name amongst Barolo's finest. One of a very few who didn't inherit a family estate, Sandrone worked for some of the biggest names in the area, such as Giacomo Borgogno and Marchesi di Barolo, eventually acquiring his first plot of land in Cannubi Boschis in 1978 (while still working for others until 1990). Described by Walter Speller on JancisRobinson.com as "the link between the modernists and the traditionalists", Sandrone employed new oak and (some of the most advanced) technology in his cellars only "as a tool in his quest for finesse. Sandrone’s sole focus was to make elegant, fine, and long-lived Barolos.". In the vineyard organic practices are in use (in a region that doesn't experience this frequently) and a great deal of work is still done by hand (a low intervention approach rather than a drastic chemical one).