
Reed & Co Spirit Lab Neo 1.3 Gin (500ml)

Bright, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
$64. 99
$779.88 Dozen
ABV: 44.3%
Another label from the makers of 'Remedy Gin', one of the best Australian gins on our shelves.
Established in 2016, Reed & Co Distillery operates from the alpine town of Bright in north east Victoria. Accomplished chefs, Hamish Nugent and Rachel Reed are co-creators. The duo have recently launched the 'Spirit Lab' range, which, as the name suggests, features limited and experimental spirits. A number of tasty gin infusions and liqueurs have also been offered under the banner with more unusual concoctions on the horizon.

'Neo 1.3' is described as a new world dry gin and includes Yuzu, Shiso, Sencha tea and juniper in the botanical mix.
Very limited stocks 44.3% Alc./Vol.