
2012 Bindi Composition Chardonnay

Macedon Ranges, Victoria, AUSTRALIA
$49. 99
$599.88 Dozen
Closure: Cork
Other Reviews….
An intense, mineral wine fully ripe but lean, taught and intense with savory, creamy elements. Fragrant notes of orange blossom, nectarine stone, spice and subtle nuttiness are usual with a vibrant, tight, long palate highlighted by clean acidity, wonderful texture and fine length.

The Composition Chardonnay is grown in a 1.5 hectare plot. The wine is fermented in French barrels of which typically 20% are new. Some barrels are inoculated with cultured yeast; others are fermented without yeast addition. The fermented wine is lees stirred every week over winter and the wine is given around one quarter malo-lactic conversion. It is racked around eight months after vintage, and returned to barrel for a further three months before bottling.
Winery notes